Does your workout routine affect your hair loss?

Does your workout routine affect your hair loss?

Adequate exercise is a key to a healthy lifestyle. It keeps your weight in check, gives you more energy, brightens your mood, and promotes restful sleep. But too much of a good thing can sometimes backfire, and your gym routine is no exception. While regular exercise is great for your overall health, including hair, pushing your body too hard can have opposite effects. Overtraining can lead to physical and mental stress, which might cause hair loss. You should know everything about your working out and its effect on your hair.
Should I Stop Gym Workout to Save My Hair?
The short answer is no—exercise itself won't cause hair loss. However, neglecting and not taking proper care of your body while working out can lead to hair loss. The positive side is that hair loss due to bad exercise habits or techniques is usually temporary.
How Exercising Causes Hair Loss?
Are you chopping calories aggressively? While it can be effective for weight loss, nutrient deficiencies can occur if your exercise routine depletes your body's nutrients. Your body will lack proper replenishment. The body prioritises vital functions on low fuel over non-essential ones like hair growth. Since hair growth isn’t crucial for survival, it often takes a backseat.
When you exercise, sweat accumulates on your scalp, clogging your hair follicles. This can stop the follicles from producing normal, healthy hair strands. To prevent this, wash your hair and scalp after a workout. It cleans the follicles and promotes normal hair growth.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen produced from testosterone. Higher levels of DHT in the body can make hair thinner and more brittle. The hair strand lifecycle shortens, causing hair to fall out more quickly. When DHT circulates in the bloodstream, it sticks to hair follicle receptors, causing them to shrink. This shrinkage prevents the follicles from growing healthy hair.
Hair loss and thinning due to exercise are usually temporary. However, if you believe other culprits are behind your hair loss, get professional help. At Keva Hair Care, we specialise in treating all types of hair loss, no matter the cause. Moreover, all our treatments fit your needs, preferences, and wallet. Our expert doctors will perform a hair and scalp analysis and discuss various options to restore your full head of hair. Contact us today to schedule your hair analysis!
1. Should athletes or active individuals worry about hair loss from exercise?
Ans: No, any reasonable amount of exercise, including daily routines or training for events like a marathon, will not cause hair loss. Stay fit and in shape. It's important for healthy hair, too.
2. Can exercising stop Hairfall?
Ans: While exercise can't reverse baldness, it lowers stress levels and can accelerate common hair loss conditions like male and female pattern baldness. Intense stress or trauma may suddenly lead to the development of Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disorder.
3. How can a balanced diet benefit men experiencing hair loss?
Ans: A balanced diet improves health and reduces stress and anxiety. It improves the scalp appearance. Foods rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E may help the body grow hair more effectively.

If you want to make your hair look great again, Keva Hair Care can help. We have the best treatments and give hope to many.